Ideas & Writing
Author: Justine Rutherford Gaubert Calm swans are great, but we need flashes of creative kingfishers in our workforces too. Will a new definition of ‘resilience’ help us attract more neurodiversity? Resilience is a term that I’d always flinched at and felt strangely...
The philosophy and language of Buddhism I have always found helpful to manage many Aspergers (ASD) symptoms, especially dealing with change, anger and overwhelm. Don’t get me wrong, there’s no such thing as a silver bullet, but listening to a Dharma talk or even an...
Ideas & Writing
Why go for an Asperger diagnosis when you’re aged 46 (and three quarters)? I was 40 when my addiction to collecting labels began in earnest. Not the jam pot kind; more of the ‘maybe-there’s-actually-a-reason-why-I-find life-so-overwhelming’ kind....
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