Ideas & Writing
Writing | Articles | Thoughts
Redefining resilience
Calm swans are great, but we need flashes of creative kingfishers in our workforces too. Will a new definition of ‘resilience’ help us attract more neurodiversity?
Dyslexic and Loving Words
Here's a piece I wrote for NAWE (National Association of Writers in Education) in 2014 following making Dyslexic & Loving Words, a film I made about dyslexic wordsmiths.
Me- Autistic? As If…
Kate Fox, stand-up poet, teacher, performer, wordsmith and social commentator (with a particular interest in Northernness) has kindly given us permission to repost this wonderful piece she wrote - Me- Autistic? As If…
Get a life get a label
Why go for an Asperger diagnosis when you’re aged 46 (and three quarters)? I was 40 when my addiction to collecting labels began in earnest. Not the jam pot kind; more of the 'maybe-there's-actually-a-reason-why-I-find life-so-overwhelming' kind.